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    The road ahead in digital transformation

    Photo by Chris Pagan on Unsplash
    Photo by Chris Pagan on Unsplash

    Inmarsat and LLoyd’s list recently published the results of a survey conducted in May 2020 regarding the digitalization attitudes and trends in the shipping industry (you need to register to download the report).

    Some of the key takeaways are that despite the fact that a lot of respondents have already invested in fleet and vessel performance, it seems that this is still the main pain point for most. Investment in the area will persist at least for the year ahead. Operating costs and compliance remain at the top of the priorities for owners and operators while vessel safety and customer value come next.

    Regarding startups, the good news is that almost half of the shipowners managers see the option of working together with early stage suppliers to support digital solutions in their organizations. Currently, for around 60% of the solutions, people reach out to established companies and OEMs and for 40% seek help from smaller companies.